Annie’s Litter 3 Weeks Old

These pups are just getting cuter every day! For now, they are available to those on the waiting list. Official puppy selection will begin at 5 weeks, though they may be selected earlier than that.



The Girls


Blenheim Girl


Golden Girl


Solid Sable Girl


Blenheim Girl


The Boys


Tri Boy


Golden Boy


Solid Sable Boy


Solid Sable Boy

Update on Bella

Here is an update on “Bella” from Lilly & Colby’s October 2012 litter!

Hi Kristy. Hope your family is doing well. Thought I would drop you a quick update on Bella (Lilly and Colby’s Oct litter). This must be the easiest puppy transition ever! She has slept from 9:30 until 6 since her first week with us! Crate training has been a breeze, and she has been ringing the bell to go outside for the past week! She is the perfect blend of playful and snuggler! She loves the kids and playing with her Schnoodle pal across the street. Don’t know what we did without her:)…

She is scheduled for spay, microchip, and hernia repair in March.  At 15 weeks she weighed 4lb 11oz. The vet does want me to ask you the height and weight of her parents. I know you are busy, but if you have a second we would love to have that info. Bella is Dr. Snyder’s first Cavachon patient! King Charles Spaniels are her favorite dogs, so she is very interested in our Bella…

We love our Bella, so thank you again:)

This was the tiny, tiny female from Lilly’s litter.  She shipped all the way to North Carolina and did fine on the plane!  She will probably stay under 10 lbs as an adult, which is a lot smaller than our normal 13-19 lb dogs that our Cavachons generally grow into.  Can’t wait to hear how she progresses in size!

