
Please take a minute to check the Waiting List and the Matched Puppies List!

We’ve made progress! If you see your name on the Matched Puppies List, it means I have confirmed puppy selection with you and I will be depositing your deposit check in the bank and it will no longer be refundable. So far, I believe everyone has received their first choice puppy!

I love when the details begin to line up and we are able to make definite plans for each specific puppy. I’ll be in touch with everyone regarding puppy delivery, balance due, and the rest of the details when the puppies are 5-6 weeks old (which is a couple weeks away).

Thanks again for everyone’s cooperation!

And for those wondering if we will have some extra Christmas puppies?? The answer is YES!!

4 responses to “Progress!

  1. Hi,

    I’m Amy Furgason. I would like info in finding out the process in adopting a Puppy by Christmas. I am unavailable to see any pics of Cavachon puppies for sale.



    Sent from my iPhone

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